Pokello ea lithuto tse leshome tsa Bibele:

  1. Sebe qalile hokae? Ka mang?
  2. Leano la Topollo
  3. Boemo ba Bafu
  4. Kahlolo e Teng
  5. Bonang O tla ka maru
  6. Lilemong tse sekete
  7. Mollo oa lihele
  8. Ke labalabela ho kena Paradeiseng
  9. Tseba ka sabbatha
  10. Na Sontaha ke letsatsi la borapeli?

“Lentsoe la hao ke lebone la maoto a ka, ke leseli tseleng ea ka” Pesaleme 119:105

Ho ‘Mali:

Re leboha Morena Molimo ho menahane ha u fumane monyetla ua ho bala litaba tsena tse molemo. Ke thapelo ea rona e tletseng boikokobetso hore Moea oa Morena o tlo u thuse ho etsa qeto e molemo eleng ho latela Jesu Kreste. Morena oa Khotso A u etse hantle!

Bahlophisi Bakeng sa Lipotso:

1. Lerotholi Johnny Mahao

Call: (+266) 5812 3017

Email: lerotholi@apostles.org.ls

Web: www.apostles.org.ls

2. Phutheho Thinyane

Call: (+266) 5990 0806

Facebook: Tseba Bibele

Web: www.tsebabibele.wordpress.com


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